title = "RUN RIOT! On life, and deaths (of civilisation), and the reveries of running artfully",
abstract = "Humanity {\textquoteleft}is heading for collapse{\textquoteright}, states Monika B{\"u}scher, and it is {\textquoteleft}paramount that {\textquoteleft}WE – a sensible number - search for pathways that avoid collapse{\textquoteright} (2018). If this civilisation that is born of walking is now collapsing, running seems a good move. Thus, I ask: in what ways could {\textquoteleft}running art-fully{\textquoteright} spark flights of thought for us to study ourselves? Could we consider yet other bodies, and minds, such as those that {\textquoteleft}deviate{\textquoteright} from the norm by having {\textquoteleft}atypical{\textquoteright} neurodevelopmental {\textquoteleft}disorders{\textquoteright} use {\textquoteleft}running artfully{\textquoteright} to {\textquoteleft}sense and make sense of the world, to create sensescapes and demonstrate their subjectivity (B{\"u}scher, 2010)? What could how, where and why such bodies and minds move — and not move — and how we write about this, open new insights for bodies that are {\textquoteleft}neurotypical{\textquoteright}, and not fragile, not aged, not gendered and not racialised, about the world and about themselves? Following in the footsteps of Jean-Jacques Rousseau{\textquoteright}s 1778 Reveries of the Solitary Walker, I structure this chapter as ten {\textquoteleft}runs{\textquoteright}, and lay down some of the pathways to spark interest for my questions. I invite us to think about ways to extend {\textquoteleft}mobility art{\textquoteright}, running in mobilities studies, and how we write about running (artfully) and mobilities. Underlined by examples from my art practice and lived experience as a non-white female with ADHD, dyslexia and dyspraxia, the chapter is experimental in approach. ",
keywords = "mobility art, running, running artfully, art intervention, dyslexia, neurodiversity, writing, performance",
author = "Tan, {Kai Syng}",
year = "2018",
month = may,
day = "17",
language = "English",
booktitle = "Handbook on Methods and Applications for Mobilities Research",
publisher = "Edward Elgar",