SBAR M&M: a feasible, reliable, and valid tool to assess the quality of, surgical morbidity and mortality conference presentations

Erica L. Mitchell*, Dae Y. Lee, Sonal Arora, Karen L. Kwong, Timothy K. Liem, Gregory L. Landry, Gregory L. Moneta, Nick Sevdalis

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

49 Citations (Scopus)


BACKGROUND: The Surgical Morbidity and Mortality (M&M) conference is considered the golden hour of surgical education. However, evaluation methods for ensuring that quality M&M presentations efficiently contribute to resident education have not been clearly defined. To provide surgical trainees with the skills required to present a quality M&M presentation it is essential to have a robust tool to measure presentation skill and guide formative feedback.

METHODS: A prospective observational study was conducted to develop an assessment tool for M&M conference. Literature review and expert consensus provided content for tool development. The tool, created using the situation, background, assessment, and recommendation format, was refined successively based on assessor feedback and assessed for reliability (internal consistency, interassessor reliability) and construct validity.

RESULTS: Three successive iterations of the tool were developed. Internal consistency and interassessor reliability improved from the first to third versions. A trend also was shown for increasing construct validity with the third iteration of the tool.

CONCLUSIONS: A psychometrically robust assessment tool based on the situation, background, assessment, and recommendation format was developed and validated to identify and improve the overall quality and educational value of the surgical M&M conference.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)26-31
Number of pages6
JournalAmerican Journal of Surgery
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - Jan 2012


  • Surgical morbidity and mortality conference
  • Surgical M&M conference
  • Morbidity and mortality conference
  • Morbidity and mortality presentations
  • Assessment tool
  • Assessment instrument
  • Educational value
  • SBAR


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