SFC Perspectives on Adaptation and Resilience: Building systems that allow India to adapt to multiple and increasingly severe climate impacts

Aditya Pillai, Tamanna Dalal

Research output: Book/ReportReport


Climate projections and the lived reality of weather events drive calls for urgent and concerted attention to climate adaptation. But what does this mean in practice? Indeed, seen through a conservative lens, one could quite convincingly argue that India and several other climate vulnerable countries have a long and storied history of reducing disaster mortalities in some areas. They should – in theory – be able to build sufficient reactive capacity to deal with climate impacts. Both India and Bangladesh have, for example, used policy and awareness building tools to drastically reduce annual deaths due to cyclones.1,2 This perspective paper, however, argues that the scale and complexity of the climate challenge merits serious consideration of systemic change, and a re-examination of what is needed for economy and society to thrive in an era of frequent, and often ravaging, climate impacts.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages16
Publication statusPublished - 19 Mar 2024


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