SLX4IP Antagonizes Promiscuous BLM Activity during ALT Maintenance

Stephanie Panier, Marija Maric, Graeme Hewitt, Emily Mason-Osann, Himabindu Gali, Anqi Dai, Adam Labadorf, Jean Hugues Guervilly, Philip Ruis, Sandra Segura-Bayona, Ondrej Belan, Paulina Marzec, Pierre Henri L. Gaillard, Rachel L. Flynn, Simon J. Boulton*

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

61 Citations (Scopus)


Panier et al. reveal that SLX4IP is a regulator of ALT telomere maintenance that binds to both BLM and SLX4 and influences the balance between resolution and dissolution at recombining telomeres. Its importance for the ALT process is underscored by the finding that SLX4IP is inactivated in a subset of ALT-positive osteosarcomas.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)27-43.e11
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 3 Oct 2019


  • ALT
  • BLM
  • cancer
  • genome stability
  • homologous recombination
  • SLX4
  • SLX4IP
  • telomere
  • XPF


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