Sulforaphane induced NRF2 activation in obese pregnancy attenuates developmental redox imbalance and improves early-life cardiovascular function in offspring

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In adverse pregnancy a perturbed redox environment is associated with abnormal early-life cardiovascular development and function. Previous studies have noted alterations in the expression and/or activity of Nuclear Factor E2 Related Factor 2 (NRF2) and its antioxidant targets during human gestational diabetic (GDM) pregnancy, however to our knowledge the functional role of NRF2 in fetal ‘priming’ of cardiovascular dysfunction in obese and GDM pregnancy has not been investigated. Using a murine model of obesity-induced glucose dysregulated pregnancy, we demonstrate that NRF2 activation by maternal sulforaphane (SFN) supplementation normalizes NRF2-linked NQO1, GCL and CuZnSOD expression in maternal and fetal liver placental and fetal heart tissue by gestational day 17.5. Activation of NRF2 in utero in wild type but not NRF2 deficient mice improved placental efficiency and partially restored fetal growth. SFN supplementation was associated with reduced markers of fetal cardiac oxidative stress, including Nox2 and 3-nitrotyrosine, as well as attenuation of cardiac mass and cardiomyocyte area in male offspring by postnatal day 52 and improved vascular function in male and female offspring by postnatal day 98. Our findings are the first to highlight the functional consequences of NRF2 modulation in utero on early-life cardiovascular function in offspring, demonstrating that activation of NRF2 affords cardiovascular protection in offspring of pregnancies affected by redox dysregulation.
Original languageEnglish
Article numberREDOX-D-23-01559
JournalRedox Biology
Publication statusAccepted/In press - 9 Sept 2023


  • NRF2; Obesity; Diabetes; Cardiovascular; Pregnancy; Sulforaphane


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