Sulfur, heat, and magma budget of Erta 'Ale lava lake, Ethiopia

C Oppenheimer, A J S McGonigle, P Allard, M J Wooster, V Tsanev

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74 Citations (Scopus)


We report here the first measurements of the SO2 flux from Erta 'Ale volcano (Ethiopia); the measurements were obtained in March 2003 with a portable ultraviolet spectrometer. Emission rates averaged 0.7 kg(.)s(-1) from the active lava lake and 1.3 kg(.)s(-1) from the whole volcano (including fumarolic emissions in the north part of the caldera). This modest output combined with an estimate of the melt sulfur content indicates a magma-supply rate of 350-650 kg(.)s(-1) (similar to0.13-0.25 m(3.)s(-1)). Radiant heat power from the lava lake, measured by infrared thermography, was found to vary between similar to5 and 30 MW according to activity of the lake surface and time elapsed since resurfacing events. We show that 8%-14% crystallization and/or 30-60 degreesC cooling of the upwelling magma reaching the lake, as well as degassing, are sufficient to increase magma density in the upper conduit and drive convection between the surface and a feeding reservoir. Fluctuations in the system, such as degree of vesiculation and magma supply rate, can be buffered by ascent or descent of the magma level within a flared vent region whose geometry directly controls lake surface area and hence heat loss.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)509 - 512
Number of pages4
Issue number6
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2004


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