Targeted workplace incivility: The roles of belongingness, embarrassment, and power

M. Sandy Hershcovis, Babatunde Ogunfowora, Tara Reich, Amy M. Christie

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

87 Citations (Scopus)


Research to date has largely been unclear about whether a single perpetrator is sufficient to instigate the well-documented negative consequences of workplace incivility. In the current research, we examine the extent to which perceived belongingness and embarrassment mediate the relationship between incivility from a single perpetrator and two important outcomes (job insecurity and somatic symptoms), and the extent to which the perpetrator’s power moderates these relationships. Across two studies using different methods, we find that incidents of single perpetrator incivility are associated with target feelings of isolation and embarrassment, which in turn relate to targets’ perceived job insecurity and somatic symptoms (Studies 1 and 2) both the same day and three days later (Study 2). Moreover, we find that perpetrator power moderates the relationship between incivility and embarrassment, such that targets are more embarrassed when the perpetrator is powerful. Implications for theory and practice are discussed.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1057-1075
Early online date7 Feb 2017
Publication statusPublished - 6 Sept 2017


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