Ten science facts and fictions: The Case for Early Education about STEM Careers

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This document summarises current, high-quality,
international research evidence from the fields of science
and mathematics education and makes recommendations
for change. Through the presentation of ten ‘facts and
fictions’, we make a case for the pressing need to integrate
an awareness of STEM careers into the mainstream
school curriculum. We believe this will help increase young
people’s understanding and engagement with STEM,
both at school and in later life. Our discussion primarily
addresses the education system in England, but has
points of relevance for other countries.
Evidence is drawn from international research literature
and new findings from a major, 5-year longitudinal research
study, funded by the Economic and Social Research
Council, currently being conducted in England (the
ASPIRES project).
Original languageEnglish
PublisherKing's College London
Number of pages16
Publication statusPublished - Jan 2012


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