Testing fundamentalist–momentum trader financial cycles: An empirical analysis via the Kalman filter

Filippo Gusella*, Engelbert Stockhammer

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This paper proposes an empirical test for Minskyan financial cycles in asset prices, driven by the interaction of fundamentalist and momentum traders. Both agents’ beliefs about the future are unobserved and can be modelled in a state space model. We use the Kalman filter to identify the two behavioral rules and evaluate whether the conditions for the existence of cycles hold. The model is estimated for equity and housing prices for France, Germany, the UK and the United States, for the period 1970–2017, with annual and quarterly data. We find robust empirical support for the existence of endogenous financial cycles in equity markets for all countries and for France, the UK and the United States for housing markets.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)758-797
Number of pages40
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - Nov 2021


  • financial cycles
  • house prices
  • Kalman filter
  • minsky
  • momentum traders
  • share prices


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