The effect of increasing sodium fluoride concentrations on erosion and attrition of enamel and dentine in vitro

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Objectives: To investigate the effect of an aqueous sodium fluoride solution of increasing concentration on erosion and attrition of enamel and dentine in vitro.

Methods: Enamel and dentine sections from caries-free human third molars were polished flat and taped (exposing a 3 mm x 3 mm area) before being randomly allocated to 1 of 5 groups per substrate (n = 10/gp): G1 (distilled water control); G2 (225 ppm NaF); G3 (1450 ppm NaF); G4 (5000 ppm NaF); G5 (19,000 ppm NaF). All specimens were subjected to 5, 10 and 15 cycles of experimental wear [1 cycle = artificial saliva (2 h, pH 7.0) + erosion (0.3% citric acid, pH 3.2, 5 min) + fluoride/control (5 min) + attrition (60 linear strokes in artificial saliva from enamel antagonists loaded to 300 g)]. Following tape removal, step height (SH) in m was measured using optical profilometry.

Results: When the number of cycles increased the amount of tooth surface loss increased significantly in enamel and dentine after attrition and erosion and for dentine after attrition. Attrition and erosion resulted in greater surface loss than attrition alone after 15 cycles of experimental wear of enamel. 5000 ppm and 19,000 ppm sodium fluoride solutions had a protective effect on erosive and attritional enamel tooth wear in vitro, however no other groups showed significant differences.

Conclusions: The more intensive the fluoride regime the more protection was afforded to enamel from attrition and erosion. However, in this study no such protective effect was demonstrated for dentine.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)782 - 787
Number of pages6
JournalJournal of Dentistry
Issue number10
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2010


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