The future of connected and automated mobility in the UK: call for evidence

Sarvapali Ramchurn, Mohammad Reza Mousavi, Seyed Mohammad Hossein Toliyat, Mark Kleinman, Justyna (Jonak) Lisinska, Diego Sempreboni, Sebastian Stein, Enrico Gerding, Richard Gomer, Francesco D'Amore, Wassim Dbouk (Editor)

Research output: Other contribution


This report is a response to the call for evidence from the Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy and the Centre for Connected and Autonomous Vehicles on the future of connected and automated mobility in the UK. Executive Summary:Despite relative weaknesses in global collaboration and co-creation platforms, smart road and communication infrastructure, urban planning, and public awareness, the United Kingdom (UK) has a substantial strength in the area of Connected and Automated Mobility (CAM) by investing in research and innovation platforms for developing the underlying technologies, creating impact, and co-creation leading to innovative solutions. Many UK legal and policymaking initiatives in this domain are world leading. To sustain the UK’s leading position, we make the following recommendations:• The development of financial and policy-related incentive schemes for research and innovation in the foundations and applications of autonomous systems as well as schemes for proof of concepts, and commercialisation.• Supporting policy and standardisation initiatives as well as engagement and community-building activities to increase public awareness and trust.• Giving greater attention to integrating CAM/Connected Autonomous Shared Electric vehicles (CASE) policy with related government priorities for mobility, including supporting active transport and public transport, and improving air quality.• Further investment in updating liability and risk models and coming up with innovative liability schemes covering the Autonomous Vehicles (AVs) ecosystem.• Investing in training and retraining of the work force in the automotive, mobility, and transport sectors, particularly with skills concerningArtificial Intelligence (AI), software and computer systems, in order to ensure employability and an adequate response to the drastically changing industrial landscape
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 16 Jul 2021


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