The myosin motor in muscle generates a smaller and slower working stroke at higher load

M Reconditi, M Linari, L Lucii, A Stewart, Y B Sun, P Boesecke, T Narayanan, R F Fischetti, T Irving, G Piazzesi, M Irving, V Lombardi

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

167 Citations (Scopus)


Muscle contraction is driven by the motor protein myosin II, which binds transiently to an actin filament, generates a unitary filament displacement or 'working stroke', then detaches and repeats the cycle. The stroke size has been measured previously using isolated myosin II molecules at low load, with rather variable results(1-4), but not at the higher loads that the motor works against during muscle contraction. Here we used a novel X-ray-interference technique(5,6) to measure the working stroke of myosin II at constant load(7) in an intact muscle cell, preserving the native structure and function of the motor. We show that the stroke is smaller and slower at higher load. The stroke size at low load is likely to be set by a structural limit(8,9); at higher loads, the motor detaches from actin before reaching this limit. The load dependence of the myosin II stroke is the primary molecular determinant of the mechanical performance and efficiency of skeletal muscle.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)578 - 581
Number of pages4
Issue number6982
Publication statusPublished - 1 Apr 2004


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