The rhombic lip and early cerebellar development

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237 Citations (Scopus)


Recent studies have transformed our understanding of the embryonic rhombic lip by revealing the inductive cues, regional origins and guidance molecules that pattern the development of this important structure and its derivatives. In the cerebellum, a precise combination of anteroposterior and dorsalising cues induces a stream of migratory progenitors that give rise to the external granule cell layer, while more caudally, Netrin orchestrates the migration of hindbrain rhombic lip derivatives to form the precerebellar nuclei. The rhombic lip is thus emerging as a spatiotemporally distinct epithelium whose late appearance in both development and evolution is instrumental in generating a complex, functionally related but spatially distributed neural system.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)82 - 88
Number of pages7
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 1 Feb 2001


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