The Role of Accessibility and Assistive Technology in Remodelled Extra Care Housing: 10 Case Studies in the UK

Ruth E. Mayagoitia, Els Van Boxstael, Hedieh Wojgani, Fay Wright, Anthea Tinker, Julienne Hanson

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference paper


Extra Care Housing (ECH) is a type of housing for older people that aims to provide flexible care while fostering independence. Access and AT in flats and common areas were audited by an occupational therapist, and architect and a rehabilitation engineer. Tenants were often unaware of the origin of the AT for care support but were usually aware of where the care neutral and care substitution AT came from. Regarding accessibility often the buildings did not fully comply with accessibility standards. This may have been because the buildings were remodelled rather than purpose-built. Recommendations include providing: broadband internet, free internal communication means, and to fully comply with accessibility regulations.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication9th European Conference for Advancement of Assistive Technology in Europe
Place of PublicationAMSTERDAM
PublisherI O S PRESS
Pages681 - 685
Number of pages5
ISBN (Print)978-1-58603-791-8
Publication statusPublished - 2007
Event9th European Conference for Advancement of Assistive Technology in Europe - San Sebastian, Spain
Duration: 3 Oct 20075 Oct 2007

Publication series



Conference9th European Conference for Advancement of Assistive Technology in Europe
CitySan Sebastian


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