The SHAMSA database 1.0 - Sources for the History and Analysis of Music/Dance in South Asia, c. 1700-1900

Research output: Other contribution


The SHAMSA bibliographical database and digital collection has been developed as part of the European Research Council project Musical Transitions to European Colonialism in the Eastern Indian Ocean (MUSTECIO, Grant no. 263643, PI Katherine Butler Schofield, 2011–2015/16). The linked xlsx document, licensed as a CC-BY-NC resource and published via Zenodo, provides the bibliographical metadata of Version 1.0 of the database. It describes well over 300 major written sources c. 1700-1900 for the history and analysis of North Indian music and dance in Mughal and British-colonial South Asia. About one third – well over 100 – of these sources are also currently held in digital copies in the Department of Music at King’s College London. The SHAMSA digital collection already constitutes the largest single repository of major primary sources on Indian music and dance in the world, and is planned to be a major ongoing resource for future researchers on Indian music and cultural history.

For more information, please visit the Zenodo record for this output Please do get in touch with Dr Katherine Schofield if you wish to consult the digital copies in the SHAMSA collection (currently only possible in situ at King's College London), or if you have suggestions of works whose metadata you believe should be included in the bibliographical list.
Original languageEnglish
TypeDatabase metadata
Media of outputZenodo
Publication statusPublished - 5 Oct 2018


  • music
  • dance
  • India
  • history
  • Mughal
  • British
  • colonial


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