The Social Ecology of White-Collar Crime: Applying Situational Action Theory to White-Collar Offending

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This article applies the integrated framework of situational action theory (SAT) to white-collar crime causation – previously unexamined in this perspective, drawing also on data from a small-scale study based on semi-structured interviews with white-collar offenders. The key arguments and findings are discussed around SAT’s categories, modified in accordance with white-collar crime particularities: criminogenic propensity, workplace environmental factors, and the individual-environment situational mechanisms. This initial SAT application shows that its constructs can be fruitfully deployed in explaining white-collar crime only to a moderate extent. The findings are not fully supportive of SAT’s “weak law-relevant morality” and deterrence arguments, while SAT’s moral correspondence situational mechanism provides a novel way to explain crimes within criminogenic workplace cultures.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1427-1449
JournalDeviant Behavior: an interdisciplinary journal
Issue number11
Early online date4 Jun 2018
Publication statusPublished - 2018


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