The steroid receptor antagonists RU40555 and RU486 activate glucocorticoid receptor translocation and are not excreted by the steroid hormones transporter in L929 cells

C M Pariante, B D Pearce, T L Pisell, C Su, A H Miller

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54 Citations (Scopus)


RU40555 is a recently available glucocorticoid receptor (GR) antagonist that differs from RU486 by a methyl radical. We have used the mouse fibroblast cell line L929 to study the in vitro effects of RU40555 on GR translocation and function and on the membrane steroid hormones transporter. The results showed that: 1) RU40555 competed for the binding of labelled dexamethasone (Dex) with a K-1 of 2.4 nM: 2) both RU40555 and RU486 were equally potent inhibitors of Dexa-induced GR-mediated gene transcription; 3) maximum CR translocation induced by micromolar concentrations of Dex and the GR antagonists was similar to 30-55% loss in the cytoplasmic GR and similar to 40-90% increase in the nuclear GR (assessed by GK immunostaining in cytoplasm and nucleus and western blots of immunoprecipitated GR protein in cytosolic and nuclear fractions) acid was similar for the two antagonists; 1) at nanomolar concentrations, RU40555 and RU486 induced more GR translocation than Dex (assessed by [H-3]Dex binding and western blot of immunoreactive GR in the same cytosolic homogenates); 5) blocking the steroids membrane transporter with verapamil (100 muM) in the presence of Dex (10 nM) increased GR translocation to levels similar to those induced by RU40555 (10 nM) and RU486 (10 nM) alone; 6) verapamil did not affect GR translocation in the presence of RU40555 or RU486 These data demonstrate similar quantitative effects oil GR translocation by RU486 and the new GR antagonist, RU40555. Moreover, RU-40555, like RU486, is an effective GR antagonist. Finally, there is no evidence that the intracellular concentrations of RU40555 or RU486 are regulated by the steroids membrane transporter in L929 cells.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)309 - 320
Number of pages12
JournalJournal of Endocrinology
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 2001


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