The subjects of digital psychiatry

Doerte Bemme, Natassia F. Brenman, Beth Semel

Research output: Other contribution


The subjects of digital psychiatry defy easy placement. At once construed as the target of interventions and active participants in the production of data, the lines between those who produce knowledge and those who are produced by it, between the maker and the made, often appear scrambled. Our ethnographic and collaborative engagements have led us among the actors who produce coherence, meaning and new forms of therapeutic efficacy from digital datasets. These empirical engagements have compelled us to pay close attention to central units of analysis in digital psychiatry. Rather than ascribing and re-constituting the individual, the population, or the (post- or trans-) human, we encountered experimentation with these units, leading us in turn to re-think their analytical role in our own disciplines.
Original languageEnglish
Media of outputBlogpost
Publication statusPublished - 17 Aug 2020


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