"There are lots of new faces this year... I'm not entirely sure when I became one of the old ones": A psycho-ethnography of the self at #PoWESconf five years in.

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Conferences have been discussed as spaces for academic work to extend beyond the confines of one’s institution, fostering environments of collaborative working, learning, and social bond-making. The British Psychological Society’s Psychology of Women and Equalities Section hosts an annual conference, attended by feminist scholars from around the world. Drawing on auto-ethnography and psycho-biography, this paper presents a ‘psycho-ethnography of the self’ with reflections centred on: ‘Scholarship’, ‘Feminist Praxis’; ‘(Safe) Academic Spaces’; and ‘Positioning the Self’. This article contributes to a small, but growing body of literature critically reflecting on conferences as spaces for personal and professional development and academic growth.
Original languageEnglish
Article number1280940
Pages (from-to)1-9
JournalFrontiers in Psychology
Issue number1280940
Publication statusPublished - 8 Jan 2024


  • Conferences
  • Feminist Praxis
  • Positioning the Self
  • PoWES
  • Psycho-Ethnography
  • Scholarship


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