Throughput-Outage Analysis and Evaluation of Cache-Aided D2D Networks with Measured Popularity Distributions

Ming Chun Lee*, Mingyue Ji, Andreas F. Molisch, Nishanth Sastry

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36 Citations (Scopus)


Caching of video files on user devices, combined with file exchange through device-to-device (D2D) communications is a promising method for increasing the throughput of wireless networks. Previous theoretical investigations showed that throughput can be increased by orders of magnitude, but assumed a Zipf distribution for modeling the popularity distribution, which was based on observations in wired networks. Thus the question whether cache-aided D2D video distribution can provide in practice the benefits promised by existing theoretical literature remains open. To answer this question, we provide new results specifically for popularity distributions of video requests of mobile users. Based on an extensive real-world dataset, we adopt a generalized distribution, known as Mandelbrot-Zipf (MZipf) distribution. We first show that this popularity distribution can fit the practical data well. Using this distribution, we analyze the throughput-outage tradeoff of the cache-aided D2D network and show that the scaling law is identical to the case of Zipf popularity distribution when the MZipf distribution is sufficiently skewed, implying that the benefits previously promised in the literature could indeed be realized in practice. To support the theory, practical evaluations using numerical experiments are provided, and show that the cache-aided D2D can outperform the conventional unicasting from base stations.

Original languageEnglish
Article number8809411
Pages (from-to)5316-5332
Number of pages17
Issue number11
Publication statusPublished - 1 Nov 2019


  • device-to-device (D2D) communications
  • scaling laws
  • throughput-outage tradeoff
  • Wireless caching network


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