Understanding motivations for entrepreneurship: a review of recent research evidence

Ute Stephan, Mark Hart, Cord-Christian Drews

Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned report

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Our systematic search for empirical studies on entrepreneurial motivation published over the last five years (2008-2013) retrieved 51 relevant studies (filtered from over 1,200 search results), which form the basis of this review. Considering the type and quality of studies suggests that we can be relatively confident in our answer to the first review question below (typologies). The evidence-base for the second and third review questions (drivers and consequences of entrepreneurial motivation) is weaker and still developing. Beyond answering the three broad research questions below, we develop a framework for future research synthesising the review findings.1) What typologies exist to describe entrepreneurial motivation?2) What influences and shapes entrepreneurial motivation? 3) What consequences have different entrepreneurial motivations for entrepreneurial performance?
Original languageEnglish
PublisherEnterprise Research Centre
Number of pages54
Publication statusPublished - 1 Feb 2015


  • motivations, entrepreneurship, growth aspirations, global entrepreneurship monitor


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