Wavelet-based resolution recovery using an anatomical prior provides quantitative recovery for human population phantom PET 11C]raclopride data

Miho Shidahara, Charalampos Tsoumpas, Colm McGinnity, T Kato, H Tamura, Alexander Hammers, H Watabe, Federico E. Turkheimer

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22 Citations (Scopus)


The objective of this study was to evaluate a resolution recovery (RR) method using a variety of simulated human brain [11C]raclopride positron emission tomography (PET) images. Simulated datasets of 15 numerical human phantoms were processed by a wavelet-based RR method using an anatomical prior. The anatomical information was in the form of a hybrid segmented atlas, which combined an atlas for anatomical labelling and a PET image for functional labelling of each anatomical structure. We applied RR to both 60 min static and dynamic PET images. Recovery was quantified in 84 regions, comparing the typical ‘true’ value for the simulation, as obtained in normal subjects, simulated and RR PET images. The radioactivity concentration in the white matter, striatum and other cortical regions was successfully recovered for the 60 min static image of all 15 human phantoms; the dependence of the solution on accurate anatomical information was demonstrated by the difficulty of the technique to retrieve the subthalamic nuclei due to mismatch between the two atlases used for data simulation and recovery. Structural and functional synergy for resolution recovery (SFS-RR) improved quantification in the caudate and putamen, the main regions of interest, from −30.1% and −26.2% to −17.6% and −15.1%, respectively, for the 60 min static image and from−51.4% and−38.3% to−27.6% and−20.3% for the binding potential (BPND) image, respectively. The proposed methodology proved effective in the RR of small structures from brain [11C]raclopride
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)3107-3122
Number of pages16
JournalPhysics in Medicine and Biology
Issue number10
Publication statusPublished - 21 May 2012


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