What do Cardiac Surgical Assistants in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia think about their job? A cross-sectional survey of job and work characteristics

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Concerns about job design of the cardiac surgical assistant workforce such as role autonomy and job dissatisfaction have been outlined in the literature, although scant empirical research has examined these concerns from the perspective of cardiac surgical assistants themselves. This study surveyed the job design of cardiac surgical assistants in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia using Morgeson and Humphrey’s Work Design Questionnaire. All scalable items within the questionnaire were reported as satisfactory except for ‘autonomy’, ‘task identity’, ‘feedback from the job’, ‘job complexity’, ‘social support’, ‘feedback from others’, ‘ergonomic’ and ‘work condition’. The results provide insight into aspects of cardiac surgical assistants’ role characteristics and contribute to the body of knowledge about their organisational psychology. Given the growth of cardiothoracic operations, the role of the surgical care assistant needs to be further developed to address the job design issues raised.
Original languageEnglish
JournalJournal of Perioperative practice
Early online date29 Jul 2021
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 29 Jul 2021


  • Surgical Care practice, job design, survey, organisation, Surgical care practitioner, Teamwork and communication


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