What Potentially Modifiable Factors are Associated With Treatment Nonadherence in Pediatric Growth Hormone Deficiency? A Quantitative Study

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5 Citations (Scopus)


OBJECTIVE: A recent systematic review reported that up to 71% of patients with growth hormone deficiency and their families are nonadherent to treatment as prescribed. Nonadherence to growth hormone treatment presents a substantial and costly problem for the patient, health care provider, and health care system. The current study uniquely investigated the potentially modifiable factors associated with treatment nonadherence in this endocrine disorder. METHODS: The cross-sectional study was conducted among 82 parent/caregivers of children with growth hormone deficiency who were receiving growth hormone treatment. Self-report questionnaires investigated parent/caregiver perceptions and experiences of their child's condition and prescribed treatment, in addition to their perceived relationship with their health care professional. The 8-item Morisky medication adherence scale was used for the assessment of treatment adherence. RESULTS: Sixty-two percent of parents/caregivers were found to be nonadherent to growth hormone treatment as prescribed. Illness perceptions (consequences, identity, and coherence) and treatment concerns were found to be significantly associated with treatment adherence, as was the quality of the health care professional-parent/caregiver relationship. CONCLUSION: The study confirmed the extent of the adherence problem evident among the pediatric growth hormone deficiency population. In addition, it presented an insight into the explanatory factors that underpin nonadherence to growth hormone treatment. Our findings can be used to inform the development of adherence-focused interventions, with the purpose of supporting patients and their families and improving the use of prescribed growth hormone treatment within endocrine clinical practice.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)146-151
Number of pages6
JournalEndocrine practice : official journal of the American College of Endocrinology and the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 1 Feb 2021


  • adherence
  • growth hormone deficiency (GHD)
  • quantitative
  • recombinant human growth hormone (rhGH) treatment


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