What senior leaders in defence should know about ethics and the role that they play in creating the right command climate

Research output: Other contribution

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Ethical leadership encompasses both the personal conduct of the leader and the leader’s expectations that followers behave ethically.2 This paper explores some of the principle reasons that ethical failures occur and, just as importantly, what practical steps military leaders can take to prevent them from happening. It draws on published doctrine, operational experience, academic research, scientific reports, and inquiries such as Chilcot (the Iraq Inquiry) and the Op Telemeter Internal Review (focusing on ‘Marine A’), to examine everything ranging from the psychological causes for certain behaviours, to the way that our environment shapes the way we see the world around us. It will also explore how nurturing the right leadership environment can foster and promote good behaviour at both an individual and organisational level.
Original languageEnglish
TypeDefence Leadership Publication
Media of outputOnline Publication
PublisherDefence Academy of the United Kingdom
Number of pages15
Place of Publicationda.mod.uk
Publication statusPublished - 27 Nov 2020


  • Military Ethics
  • Ethics
  • leadership
  • command


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