Window of opportunity: screening for GCK monogenic diabetes in the antenatal diabetes clinic

Aarthi Surendran*, Anna Brackenridge, Sara L. White

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Monogenic diabetes (MODY) is a rare, inherited form of diabetes, of which glucokinase (GCK) mutation is one of the most common forms. Correct diagnosis is important, particularly during pregnancy, as treatment should be tailored accordingly. In our antenatal diabetes clinic, we audited those eligible for genetic screening over a one-year period as per European Best Practice guidelines (2008) and new NHS England criteria (2021), as well as those identified with the mutation. Our audit recorded a significant drop in the number of eligible women identified using new criteria (2.6% vs 5.2%), with a notable reduction in women of African ethnicity (15.2% vs 29.2%). The audit highlighted the need for increased health care professional awareness and the implementation of clear pathways within the antenatal diabetes service to facilitate identification of women for genetic screening and subsequent appropriate management. It also underlined the importance of ongoing assessment of the clinical performance of the new screening criteria.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)32-34
Number of pages3
JournalPractical Diabetes
Issue number6
Publication statusPublished - 1 Nov 2022


  • diabetes in pregnancy
  • GCK
  • glucokinase mutation
  • monogenic diabetes


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