Case Study Exploring Perceptions Of Outcomes of Learning From Post-Graduate Advanced Practice Education Programmes And Their Transfer To Practice

Student thesis: Doctoral ThesisDoctor of Healthcare


Aims: The study aimed to determine the expectations and effectiveness of postgraduate advanced practice education programmes from the perspective of a student, a qualified advanced practitioner and a NHS Trust manager in England. Additionally, exploration of the translation of student learning from education programmes to practice, and identification of the similarities and differences between postgraduate advanced practice education programmes offered by different institutions were compared, in order to demonstrate outcomes on practice.
Background: The past decade has witnessed a proliferation of advanced practice roles within healthcare practice both nationally and internationally. There is evidence to suggest, that service providers perceive that advanced practitioners are ill prepared for practice and lack specific competencies to deliver effective healthcare. Education programmes preparing advanced practitioners are developed in isolation and their professed effectiveness is currently not supported by sufficient evidence.
Methods: A multiple case study design that incorporated three cases from different geographical areas within England was used to investigate the study aims. Documentary evidence provided contextual evidence of the programmes of study. Participants were selected from higher educational institutions and their associated healthcare partners. Semi structured student interviews (n=32) and advanced practitioner and manager focus groups (n=8) were conducted.
Results: Findings demonstrated variation in the structure and organisation of the programmes and in the support provided to students. Perceived outcomes of the learning by participants included improved quality of patient care, improved advanced assessment, diagnostic, consultation and management skills, and behavioural changes. A lack of understanding of advanced practice roles by organisations and healthcare professionals was identified and supports earlier research evidence. A three-stage implementation and evaluation model was constructed to demonstrate an effective process for advanced practitioner preparation and evaluation.
Discussion and Conclusions: This study provides evidence that advanced practice programmes can prepare practitioners to positively effect healthcare delivery. Evaluation of educational programmes is achievable and can provide valuable evidence to relevant stakeholders to promote and facilitate consistency and effectiveness in the preparation of advanced practitioners.
Date of Award2015
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • King's College London
SupervisorJocelyn Cornish (Supervisor)

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