Non-adherence to Prescribed Home Exercise in Chronic Low Back Pain

    Student thesis: Doctoral ThesisDoctor of Philosophy


    Background: Adherence to prescribed home exercise for chronic low back pain
    (CLBP) is poor and this remains an under-researched area. There is no standard
    measure of exercise adherence and traditional health behaviour models are
    limited in their ability to explain non-adherence. This thesis aims to address
    these issues.

    Aim: To undertake a review of CLBP literature (Study 1), to develop a new
    measure (Study 2) and to investigate the role of psychosocial, clinical and
    executive function factors in explaining variation in exercise adherence in CLBP
    (Study 3).

    Design: Study 1 involved systematically reviewing factors associated with
    adherence to prescribed home exercise in CLBP. In Study 2, the Exercise
    Adherence Rating Scale (EARS) was developed. Study 3 was a prospective
    observational study of exercise adherence in a CLBP sample.

    Results: Study 1 found nine trials providing moderate evidence that higher
    health locus of control, supervision, participation in an exercise programme and
    participation in a behaviour change programme incorporating motivational
    strategies were associated with better exercise adherence in CLBP samples. In
    Study 2, a 1-factor solution explained 66% of the variance in adherence to
    exercise. Internal consistency (α = 0.758) and item-response theory methods
    indicated that EARS reliability was acceptable. In Study 3, longer duration of
    pain, higher present pain, lower educational level and being female significantly
    predicted poor adherence behaviour. Executive functions were not predictive of
    adherence behaviour.

    Conclusions: Study 1 highlighted a lack of good quality evidence and
    standardised measures of adherence. The EARS in Study 2 provided a valid and
    reliable assessment of adherence behaviour in a CLBP sample and now
    requires further testing. Results of Study 3 suggested factors influencing
    adherence to prescribed home exercise in patients with CLBP. The inclusion of
    these factors within health behaviour models may provide better explanatory
    models of exercise behaviour in CLBP.
    Date of Award2016
    Original languageEnglish
    Awarding Institution
    • King's College London
    SupervisorEmma Godfrey (Supervisor), John Weinman (Supervisor) & Sam Norton (Supervisor)

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