Reconfiguring and Transforming Christianity in a Post-postmodern Paradigm of Theology and the Social Sciences

Student thesis: Doctoral ThesisDoctor of Philosophy


Contrary to the proposition of "secularization theory", Christianity has neither disappeared, nor retreated into the private realm. Rather, it has transformed iteself into new forms with new characteristics, and continues to play a significant role in the public sphere, by engaging in society through new ways, a development thaqt unleashes its potential as a reflexive agent for individuals, society, and the global community.
The objective of this research is to revisit and re-articulate the sustainability and potential, the substantial value of Christianity, by examining the trajectories of a morphological transformation of Christianity in the latest modern world through a new post-secular approach beyond both the discourse of "seculatization" and that of "religious resurgence", and the public presence of Christianity based on the socio-political engagement of Christianity in the public sphere in both empirical and normative aspects; and to reconstruct the substantial meaning of Christianity as a reflexive agent by examining its potential through discussion of how the Christian faith can inspire and impact on the formation of human being in today's global capitalist society on the one hand, and establishing a foothold to overcome its intrinsic defects as a religion through radical reflection in the post-modern paradigm on the other.
The central argument of the thesis is that neither modern nor postmodern approaches and neither secular not anti-secular positions are conceptually ale to penetrate the ambiguities of the presence of religion in contemporary society. Going for a post-secular and post-postmoden approach does not meant to apply linear thinking. The suggestion is rather to think of a way that does not deny both but tries to think beyond them ("re-moden").
In doing so, the study delves deeper into a sociology of religious meaning in society rather than a society of religion, and socio-philosophical theology rather than philosophy of religion.
Date of Award2016
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • King's College London
SupervisorPaul Janz (Supervisor) & Markus Vinzent (Supervisor)

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