The control of T cell functionality in the human neonate

Student thesis: Doctoral ThesisDoctor of Philosophy


Neonatal naive CD4+ T cells have distinct functionality to adult naive CD4+ T cells, most strikingly by their inherent capacity to express CXCL8. This thesis sets out to investigate the control of neonatal T cell functionality by: developing a novel CXCL8-secretion cell assay to facilitate their better characterisation in vitro; exploring the neonatal naive CD4+ T cell epigenetic landscapes; and determining the immunology, including T cell functionality, of neonates born to SARS-CoV-2 exposed mothers. This thesis provides new evidence that neonatal naive CD4+ T cells and their functionality are influenced by both epigenetics, and environmental stimuli.
Date of Award1 Sept 2022
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • King's College London
SupervisorDeena Gibbons (Supervisor) & Paul Lavender (Supervisor)

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