Water Securization in The Middle East: the Unity Dam and the Disi aquifer
: Master Dissertation Francesca Greco

Student thesis: Master's ThesisMaster of Science


The relations between natural resources and national securities have been object of numerous studies in the field of international relations, political ecology and development and security studies. The aim of this paper is to use the analytical tools of Barry Buzan and the Copenhagen School of Security Studies to explore two cases of transboundary water resources. The first case study is the Unity Dam on the Yarmouk river, object of a dispute between Israel and the Arab states for more than fifty years. The second case is the Disi aquifer, a fossil groundwater shared between Jordan and Saudi Arabia. We will see how perception of security have shifted during different times and situations.
Date of Award1 Sept 2004
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • SOAS University of London
SupervisorJohn Allan (Supervisor)


  • Unity Dam
  • Disi
  • aquifer
  • water
  • water policy
  • groundwater
  • securitization
  • Buzan

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