X-ray diffraction studies of Deoxyribose Nucleic Acid

  • Raymond Gosling

Student thesis: Doctoral ThesisDoctor of Philosophy


PhD thesis (215pp) and two page abstract, by Raymond Gosling, published by the University of London, 1954. The thesis is based on x-ray diffraction experiments and structural analysis, conducted by Gosling, 1950-1953, under Maurice Wilkins and subsequently Rosalind Franklin. Contents include: a review of the chemical and physical evidence of the structure of DNA; and x-ray diffraction experiments with NaDNA (sodium thymonucleate acid), detailing the equipment (cameras, exposure times, humidity levels), analysis of diffraction patterns, and interpretation and calculations obtained, including the results of the three dimensional pattern function of structure A. Also, photographic prints including x-ray diffraction patterns, molecular diagrams and Fourier molecular maps of DNA.

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Date of Award1954
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • King's College London

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